What to Do When Stuck in Traffic

Being stuck in traffic is no fun, no matter how you look at it!  And it always seems to happen when you have somewhere to be or are just ready to be home after a long day at work!  Right now, I’m sitting in traffic on I-40 (you North Carolinians know what 5:00 traffic is like on 40!!), and I wanted to share some tips and tricks for maximizing your time when stuck in traffic.  Hopefully with these tips, you can turn some seemingly wasted time into a valuable part of your day!


1. Turn on the classical music and take some time to positively affirm your life.  Forget about those road-raging jerks in the lane next to you, and build some valuable affirmation time into your day.  So often we simply don’t take enough time to deep-breathe, meditate, and positively affirm ourselves, and let me tell you, taking time to do these things can REALLY make a difference in your outlook on life.  Instead of getting worked up and frustrated about not getting where you’re going fast enough, take a moment to appreciate the time on the road.  Turn on some classical music, take some deep breaths, and remind yourself of how great you are!

2. Name some things you are grateful for.  In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook the many things that we have to be grateful for.  Gratitude not only makes you feel good, but it diminishes worry, anxiety, depression, and anger.  It may sound silly, but voicing aloud the things you are thankful for is very grounding and it can literally lift away the stresses you have carried through the day.

3. Call someone you love and haven’t talked to in a while.  We all have crazy lives and so often this means that we lose touch with friends and family that we love.  The next time you are stuck in traffic, pick up your cellphone and call someone just to tell them that you are thinking about them.  It will brighten their day and you’ll be so focused on the call that the traffic won’t even phase you!  ?

If you do these things, that traffic jam will be over before you know it!  Sometimes the best way to deal with a frustrating situation is to combat it with a little positivity!  I’d love to know your ideas on how to maximize your time when stuck in traffic.  Feel free to comment below!

xo casey

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